Ethics and compliance

At AES Colombia we are committed to complying with standards and regulations, both local and international, related to sustainable energy solutions.

That is why we constantly train all our collaborators through the Ethics and Compliance Program: this is how we all become familiar with the legal and regulatory framework that governs us as an electric power generating company, such as:

  • The Inter-American Convention against Corruption of the OAS (1996)
  • The United Nations Convention against Corruption
  • The Colombian Penal Code (Law 559 of 2000)
  • The Anticorruption Statute in Colombia (1474 of 2011)
  • The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.)
  • The Public Accounting Reform of Companies and Investor Protection Act (Sarbanes Oxley Act - SOX)

Just as we are governed by local and international regulations, at AES Colombia we have a series of policies focused on compliance and ethical behavior of our collaborators and stakeholders, including the communities to whom we provide our energy solutions. This regulation is composed of:

  • Conflict of interest policy for collaborators and contractors
  • Policy on donations and political contributions
  • Gift and entertainment policy
  • Personal data treatment and protection policy
  • Anti-corruption policy
  • Lobbying policy
  • Insider Trading Policy
  • Discrimination and harassment prevention policy
  • Manual for the contractual compliance review process

Collective Ethics Action of the Electricity Sector (2014):

Created with the objective of publicly manifesting the commitment to the implementation of the best practices of transparency and ethics in the sector, AES Colombia is currently a signatory member and participated as creator of the initiative together with other companies and organizations of the Colombian electricity sector.

For more information on class action, click here (

AES Helpline

You can contact the AES Helpline to confidentially report any concern regarding inappropriate behavior in any of our processes or learn more about our policies. To do this, you just have to go to or call toll free 01-800-5185279, a line operated by AT&T.


We conduct regular training on a variety of related ethics and compliance topics and policies, including our corporate Values, compliance with anti-corruption and other applicable laws, conflicts of interest, gifts and entertainment, and workplace harassment, among others. Through the AES Ethics Champions Program, we promote open discussion of actual AES business issues and problems so that participants can discuss how AES values and policies are applied in real-world situations.

In AES Colombia we are committed to complying with standards and regulations. That is why we constantly train all our employees through the Ethics and Compliance Program. This is how we become familiar with the legal and regulatory framework that governs us as an energy company.

Business partner due diligence

We hold our business partners and contractors to the same high ethical standards that are expected of all AES people.

AES partners undergo a thorough due diligence process, and strict compliance language is included in contacts, where appropriate. Compliance language may address such issues as corruption, influence peddling, legal and regulatory compliance, and reporting requirements. Compliance Officers work closely with business partners, contractors and project development teams to identify potential ethical concerns and resolve issues before agreements or contracts are signed.

In the following documents you can expand the information on the AES Colombia Ethics and Compliance Program